I am an undergraduate student in Computer Science (English Innovation Class, only top 20% students in the department could join the class), South China University of Technology.
I am mostly interested in cross-modal and detection problems. My current research topics are about saliency including saliency detection, saliency retarget and so on. I am fortunate to work under supervision of Shengfeng He.
BSc in Computer Science, 2020
South China University of Technology
Sucheng Ren, Chu Han, Xin Yang, Guoqiang Han, and Shengfeng He. TENet: Triple Excitation Network for Video Salient Object Detection. European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), Glasgow, 2020 (Spotlight Oral, Acceptance Rate 5.0%)
Sucheng Ren, Wenxi Liu, Jianbo Jiao, Guoqiang Han, and Shengfeng He. Edge Distraction-aware Salient Object Detection. In submission to IEEE Transaction on Image Processing (TIP).
Apr., 2019 - Mar., 2020 I am working on how to use GAN to retarget the saliency of an image. Manipulating image according to mask allows users to generate images with target and controllable saliency visually instead of just defrauding saliency in the detection model. This research is supported under National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates with 10000 RMB of national funding.
Mar., 2019 - Feb., 2020 Research on the prediction and optimization of traffic flow. We have two directions. The first is using reinforcement learning build a traffic flow and reward system by simulating in software, and interactive with the environment by DNQ or A3C, some reinforcement learning method. The other is an evolutionary algorithm. Due to the slow interaction with the environment, we also design a simple model for online quick decision and updating with reinforcement learning. This research is supported under National Training Programs of Innovation and Entrepreneurship for Undergraduates with 10000 RMB of national funding.